March 28, 2023Hope Shapes Our Future Now And Beyond Our Death Easter is a time of hope for Christians. We have a living hope in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead on the third day. Jesus has risen from the tomb! Any number…
Compilation from weekly newspaper faith column “Neighborly Advice According To Ed"
Hope Shapes Our Future Now And Beyond Our Death Easter is a time of hope for Christians. We have a living hope in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead on the third day. Jesus has risen from the tomb! Any number…
Jesus Christ Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed! Praise God! The tomb couldn’t hold Jesus. Jesus Christ is God, and He is risen indeed. Christians believe in the risen Christ who promises, “Because I live, you shall live also.” (John 14:19 and…
They Belong Together Like A Horse And Carriage In 1938, Frank Sinatra sang a song about commitment. The song was called Love and Marriage. The song expressed that love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage. It also claimed that…
The Deaf Can’t Hear, And The Blind Can’t See My wife hasn’t asked me lately if I‘m deaf. But she has asked a few times in our 55-year marriage if I have heard a word she said. Now that I have hearing…
Prayer Connects Us To God’s Will For Our Lives The Season of Lent reminds us of the praying example of Jesus in his living and dying. Jesus showed us our need to be His people of prayer. Jesus repeatedly prayed, strengthening his…
Who Will Take A Leap Of Faith? I hate to say goodbye when it is time to move away from family, friends, and home. Saying goodbye is never easy nor is the question of whether it is better to go or stay…
It’s time to Declutter, Discard, and Decide What Is Essential Many of us have the potential to become full-fledged hoarders. Television programs where folks with stuffed homes must decide what to keep or sell, what to donate, and what to trash make…
What We See Can Change Our Lives We believe what we see with our eyes. For example, a friend emails a cat video almost daily, as she knows we are the servants of two cats at our house. One cat video shows…
Who Can Do Everything They Ought To Do? Edward Everette Hale wrote a story, ‘Ten Times One is Ten.’ In the story, he wrote, “I’m only one, But I am one. I can’t do everything, But I can do something. What I…
How Rich and Famous Are you Aiming to Become? Want to take a small step backward to 1984? From 1984 to 1995, there was an American television series called, ‘Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.’ This television series showcased the lavish lifestyles…