
No One Looks After Your Interests As Well As Yourself

Ed, my old neighbor from Saskatchewan, considered the possibility of shaking his life up in 2016. He told me all about it when he called last week. It is only into the first month of the New Year, but he has already considered what he wants to plant come seeding time. Considering the input costs and the ups and downs of the price of commodities, Ed thought seriously about renting his land out for 2016. I told him that he would never be happy unless he were in charge. A growing season without his farm work would result in extra golfing and fishing, and an over-abundance of tall tales that only he could believe. My old neighbor admitted that there are good farmers, but none good enough to be cropping his land. Ed came to the conclusion that he is not going to rent his land or let anyone on his land until he either sells it or has given up the ghost.

It is good to consider what would seem to lay ahead in the coming year and plan accordingly. Our plans may or may not pan out. They have a way of falling apart or needing change. We often end up changing our plans, and circumstances and other people also sabotage our best-made plans. Every year has more than its share of twists and turns that we were not counting on facing. We may try to stick to the plans that we feel have worked for us before. New plans and ideas are not always comfortable for us even when they are own inventions. Out with the old and in with the new does not even work when we clean the garage.

Ed is certain that no one looks after his interests as well as he does himself. We may all feel that way to some degree, but I am quick to admit many know what’s better for me than I do myself. I’m referring to the plastic surgeon who removed a spot of skin cancer from my nose. I could not have removed it myself. There are many people who have far more knowledge and skills than I have in many areas of life. The mechanics who work on my car can keep in good running order far better than I could.

When God gave his Ten Commandments, he lovingly wanted to help us to think and act in ways that will bless ourselves and others. In recent times, many even some Christians have thrown away the Ten Commandments, as if, they no longer embody the power and purpose of God. Would it be awful for us if we: honored our father and mother, did not murder or commit adultery, refused to steal from our neighbor or give false testimony about him, and if we refused to covet anything that belonged to our neighbor? Could we be better off by trusting in God above all things? Do we need to worship ourselves or God and honor the Sabbath Day? Would it be better to use God’s name in prayer, praise, and thanksgiving rather than taking it in vain in cursing and swearing? Observing the Ten Commandments will shake your life up in 2016.

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